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About Us

Total Effluent Management

It was started in 2021 with the goal of providing honest, reliable and high quality work specializing, rather than being general. As the contracting business is small, Raymond is able to provide personal service to each client ensuring the job is done to the highest standard. We pride ourselves on being efficient.

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Why Use Us

  • We specialize in effluent so were available all year-round weather permitting. 
  • Fast and efficient way to empty your effluent pond. 
  • Tankers are same width as tractors so easily fit through gateways 
  • Lighter gross weight without sacrificing payload 
  • Flotation tires and free float steering mean we leave your paddocks and tracks as we found them. 
  • Only contractor running front fill which means: 
  • Can load in more places that other pumps 
  • No reversing tankers up dam walls 
  • Easier fill tankers in tighter areas

Why Empty Your Effluent Pond 

  • Most ponds were designed years ago and are not suitable for current cow numbers which mean the ponds get over loaded and can’t function as intended. 
  • This results in ponds over flowing, backing up into dairy’s, slowing down washdown times and build up at dairy’s as well as fines from the EPA or Victoria Agriculture 
  • $$$ most people see effluent as an expense once a year to keep your dairy audit happy but as farming is progressing farmers are realizing the nutritional benefits to spreading it. 
  • Effluent is rich in N,P,K and S as well as adding carbon and organic matter back to your soil. 
  • Its an effective way to build base levels in your lower fertility paddocks. 
  • Even guys that irrigate with sprinklers find the close paddocks become HOT from consistently getting spread year after year. 
  • We can clean out and desluge your ponds so there operating at maximum capacity while utilizing the effluent to maximize production on your farm. 


  • Rising fertilizer prices are increasing the relative value of alternative nutrient sources such as organic fertilizers 
  • Significant costs savings can be made by using organic fertilizers to replace or complement chemical fertilizer 
  • Savings are highest when organic fertilizers are applied in accordance with crop needs, and in a manner that maximizes the plant availability of nutrients eg post silage, pre summer crop or pre maize 
  • Consider the individual nutrients that contribute to the overall value 
  • Where to spread: apply to fields with P and K requirements 

Feel Free to Contact Us to Discuss
How We Can Aid Your Farming Operation.

Based in SW Victoria

At Total Effluent Management we operate a high capacity slurry business. Running 2 top fill, 20,000 litre tankers pulled by high powered fendts along with high flow megamix pump kitted with our own design front fill system. By using the front fill we avoid reversing up dam walls and reduce fill time making it a safer more efficient operation.

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